Browser Config Profiles


In some cases, extra configuration arguments need to be passed to the browser Options instance for WebDriver configuration. A common case for this is instructing a browser to run in headless mode. Qadenz provides a simple means to set these configurations, and allows for multiple “profiles” of these configurations to be set on the TestNG Suite XML file. For example, if a tester wishes to run in headless mode on the Selenium Grid, but run in a native browser when executing locally, the switch is as simple as altering a parameter value.

Configurations are stored in JSON files within the project’s resources directory. To create a new configuration, within the resources directory, add a new folder called config, and create a new JSON file. This file must be named {browser}-config.json, where {browser} is the name of the browser being configured. A separate file must be created for each browser requiring configuration.

This example configures Chrome to run in headless mode.

        "profile": "headless",
        "args": [

The JSON format is an array of configuration objects. Each object holds profile and args fields. The profile field will be matched to the browserConfigProfile parameter on the Suite XML. The args is an array of individual arguments to be passed to the WebDriver configuration.

Last modified July 14, 2023