
Web Inspector Description

Both the WebCommander and WebInspector classes are designed to be extended within automation projects to enable custom commands to be created as needed by the UI under test.

Starting at the class-level, the class will obviously need to extend either WebCommander or WebInspector. Then, a Logger instance and constructors need to be added.

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class AcmeWebCommander extends WebCommander {

    private Logger LOG;

    public AcmeWebCommander() {
        LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AcmeWebCommander.class);

    public AcmeWebCommander(Class<?> logger) {
        LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(logger);

Then, the anatomy of the command method is as follows:

public void doSomething(Locator locator) {
    LOG.info("Doing something with element [{}].", locator.getName());
    try {
        WebElement webElement = webFinder.findWhenVisible(locator);

        // add logic as needed to complete the custom command
    catch (Exception exception) {
        LOG.error("Error doing something :: {}: {}", exception.getClass().getSimpleName(), exception.getMessage());

        throw exception;

The first operation in a command method is to log the command being executed (at the INFO level). Qadenz uses Logback, which provides the {} placeholder for additional values to be inserted. It is recommended to utilize this where possible to convey an appropriate level of detail in the logs and subsequent reports.

Next, the try block will initialize a WebElement using the inherited WebFinder instance, then perform any necessary actions. If the method is on a WebInspector sub-class, the return should take place within the try block.

The catch block should be set to catch the appropriate Exception, though a wide net may be cast by simply catching all descendents of Expception. A multi-catch or finally could be employed here if the use case is appropriate. Within the catch block, the Exception will be logged (at the ERROR level) and, if appropriate, a screenshot captured using the inherited Screenshot instance.

Finally, re-throw the Exception. Throwing a new instance of RunTimeException with a context-friendly message would be an appropriate alternative to allowing the Exception to surface to the test level, requiring a try/catch in the test itself or an Exception to be added to the method signature. This is obviously a preferential decision to be made within the automation project. Qadenz has simply been designed to avoid the need to do this.

Once complete, instantiating the new commands class in either the UI Models or directly in the test method will make functionality available for use.

Last modified July 14, 2023